2019 Word of the Lord

The Word of the Lord for 2019 given by Prophet Brian Carn on January 1, 2019: 

Pray for India. I see an earthquake that will shock all of Asia and cause a serious tsunami warning/alert.

There’s a Brazilian earthquake that will shock a nation that’s dealt with pain.

A terrorist threat is coming that will create pandemonium at one school and create a false terrorist attack in the news.

I see poison tomatoes in the news; there’s a bacteria that’ll hit it. Watch your tomato intake, and continue pray for what you eat.

I see a famous preacher stepping down suddenly from the pulpit.

A 200+ car pile up will make the news as a result of the cold, icy weather. People will be dying because it’s so cold. Pray against this.

A major financial bank and lender will be making headlines that will cause people to close their accounts. There’s a scandal that will be exposed from a major financial bank and people will want to close their accounts.

There’s a new secret on the moon. I saw a moon, but saw them making new discoveries about the moon. 

A new problem in government is coming on a very high level.

While you’re watching the news, the news anchors will have to evacuate because of a natural disaster. 

I see a snowfall in a southern land. It’s snowing, but its snowing in a southern land that’ll cause a lot of great concern to those traveling in the south. 

I see Oprah’s voice is being used to discuss a certain topic of great interest on a certain level or platform. I see her voice being heard in a big way.

In January it will cost more money to send mail, as if they’re upping price to send mail (postage stamps, etc).

A bacteria will cause a recall. The blame will be on a farm in California. Pray against bacteria.

Pray against mall shootings.

There will be controversy in President Trumps wall that is created for worldwide speculation.

Toys R Us is back in the news, the question is “is it going to return?”

If you have stock in Sears you need to be very prayerful because they’ll have trouble this year. If you have stock, slowly pull out of Sears because they’ll have trouble in 2019.

Saw a sudden, serious explosion to a subway in New York. Pray for subways in New York.

A famous rapper suddenly dies due to prescription medication.

President Trump will run again and win again, but may not finish. Pray for him. There’s a scandal that’ll be revealed that will cause some of his followers to back up and he’ll lose some followers.

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